Welcome on board! Discover our new compliance tool for your employees.
Our Competition & EU team developed an online cartovie on the most important dos and don'ts of competition law.
In less than 8 minutes, we make your employees quickly, easily and practically familiar with these dos and don'ts. The cartovie can be used for onboarding new employees and as a reminder of the importance of competition law for all employees. We provide a clear overview with an instruction card, so your employees know exactly where they stand. We have subtitles available in English, Dutch and French and in other languages on request.
We have a teaser ready for you to discover the cartovie for yourself - click on the video above.
Would you like more information about our onboarding cartovie? Then contact our compliance team (compliance@contrast.law), or counsel Stefanie Colaers (stefanie.colaers@contrast.law).
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
The onboarding cartovie is one of our competition compliance tools. Click on the link below to discover our other compliance tools.