Better a good guide to competition law compliance
Actions for damages for infringements of competition law: the European Commission misses the lift, but claims should rise
Unwrapping the AI Act: a new surprise for M&A transactions
Nuts and bolts: the new EU repair rules
Can the competition authority see what you write to your management and to your lawyer?
The force may be with you, but you may not exclude
Safety first! Screening of foreign direct investments in Belgium
Brace yourselves, CSDDD is here!
Finding the forest through the trees of the Deforestation Regulation
Navigating the relevant market
Harder, better, faster, stronger: safer products are coming
Yellow card for sports federations
Look before you leap! Lessons from the failed Illumina-GRAIL marriage
Beware the risks of joint purchasing
Time´s up: obligatory amendment of articles of association for Belgian companies
Online sales and advertising: anytime, anywhere, but not anyhow
Red light for greenwashing
Anyone in for some more legal uncertainty for acquisitions?
The Digital Markets Act: Commission tackles Big Tech
The clock is ticking for SME's and their internal reporting channels
An unpaid cross-border invoice? Don´t just sit there!
New rules on cooperation with competitors are coming
Brace yourselves, CSDD is coming!
Foreign subsidies regulation: further levelling the playing field on the internal market
Safety first! Screening of foreign direct investment in the European Union
Better protection in consumer sales
Bos Door De Bomen Mededingingsrecht lanceert een nieuwe reeks
ON SALE: new rules for announcing price reductions
Gun jumping? Don´t take off from the starting-blocks too quickly during an acquisition!
Compliance in times of crisis
Due diligence: seller, be prepared!
Ready for a (home) search by the competition authority?
BREAKING NEWS — contrast as a driving force behind pan-European initiative bringing together specialists from 27 countries
Ticking the box for your distribution agreements
Forum selection and choice of law clauses: they’re not just boilerplates...
Regulation of B2B relationships: new rules for protecting suppliers in the European food supply chain
Is your general meeting ready for the digital era?
Private damages actions – secure your position
State aid after Brexit: exit for the prohibition on state aid?
Blow the whistle! New European protection for whistleblowers.
This year, Santa wants a new B2B contract with his elves . . .
Do I have to notify my joint venture (and if so, where)?
Financial aid from the government – helping hand, or potential time bomb?
Covid-19’s impact on commercial contracts: Force majeure, not just a standard clause
Abuse of economic dependence: David’s new weapon against Goliath
State aid, a possible painkiller against the corona financial hangover
Compliance? Elementary, my dear Watson!
The UBO register: the moment of truth
They´re big, I´m little, and it just ain´t fair! Smaller suppliers and the food supply chain.
The company is liquidated, long live the undertaking!
Litigation in court vs. arbitration
How much were my cartel damages, again?
New in town: unfair contract terms in B2B relations
Greater flexibility for Belgian companies and associations
Just how far does my guarantee go?
Three people can only keep a secret if two are dead. A European recipe for trade secrets.
Online sales without borders
How free are you, as a dominant undertaking, to determine your prices?
You are being registered!
The public authority is giving your competitor a serious leg up… What to do?
Help, I'm a director! New rules coming for directors´ and officers´ liability
Final countdown towards the new Code of companies and associations
My luxury image shattered by online sales. What now?
Home is (not) where my seat is
Watch out … price breakers, dead ahead!
To bid or not to bid, that cannot be the question!
Show me (some of) the money!
Exchanging information while negotiating transactions
What do I do now? I'm being sued by all my own customers …
Watch out: your BFF could be your partner
Belgian Competition Authority imposes fine of EUR 5.5 mio for resale price maintenance and abuse of dominance
Ready, set, stop… Go!
But,... that doesn't apply to me, I'm an SME...
When the walls (and the competition authorities) have ears…
Privacy / Data Protection – Companies: 1 – 0
An eQuestionnaire... and what now?
Proceed to the checkout, please
Non-compete clauses and acquisition agreements revisited
No loyal customers for dominant companies
A personal look at leniency
Be careful when it comes to your Belgian distributor
Real start of the European Commission's e-commerce sector inquiry: be alert!
Why silence is not always golden...
Post-resignation liability of directors
Pre-contractual information
Competition compliance programmes: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of fines
VAT on compensations of legal entities within the framework of mandate as director or liquidator postponed with 1 year
Compensation of legal entities appointed as director or liquidator subject to VAT as from 1 January 2015
EU framework for damages actions for competition law infringements
Company takeovers and non-compete clauses
Starting 1 September 2014, 'class actions' become possible in Belgium as well
New playing rules for distance selling
Personal liability for cartel violations
Request for access - an update
Bos Door De Bomen - Mededingingsrecht (2e editie)
FIFA moet transferregels aanpassen na uitspraak Hof van Justitie in zaak-Diarra
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